It looks like Carnival is offering the best deals for May 2017 cruises from Galveston. The May 6th departure on the Carnival Valor has a nice, low starting price, with inside cabins starting around $379.  The May 7th departure on the Carnival Breeze offers at good value and a different itinerary, with ports of call in Jamaica, the Cayman Islands, and Mexico.

Note: Prices are based on recently quoted rates at CruiseDirect and are subject to change based on availability and rate changes.

May 2017 Cruise Deals on Galveston Departures:

May 6 – 5-night Western Caribbean cruise aboard the Carnival Valor. Starting at $379.  See prices

May 6 – 7-night Western Caribbean cruise aboard the Carnival Freedom. Starting at $559.  See prices.

May 7 – 7-night Western Caribbean cruise aboard the Carnival Breeze. Starting at $569. See prices.

By Sandy